Before You Err

Before you’d err
Before you’d do the things that will fetch you a human garb
Before you’d act those actions that will unveil my hooded sights
I’ll take the first steps and break up with you.

This friendship wasn’t made for endurance
Nor were our kisses meant for routine
We were meant to behold eachother and behold a spectacle
A fresh exciting experience, that keeps the heart aflutter with each new gaze

Who told you I wanted to call you ‘Daddy’, or wished myself the term ‘Mummy’?
Do you think footsteps on the sands of time always head the same direction?
Is it until you see the path in which some seperates
Before you’d realize the truth about posterity?

So before you err, before you turn human before my very eyes
Before I behold monsters where angels once sat
Before the magic of us fades into the unkind realities of tomorrow
I’d first cheat fate by breaking up with you.


Alas! Did I but delude myself?

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